Friday, June 20, 2008

Letter to a wimpy client from your personal trainer.

Dear wimpy and annoying client,

My job as your personal trainer is to get you to your goal. I will do everything in my power to get you to your goal. However, you have to meet me in the middle. You stated on this little sheet of paper that you wanted to lose weight. You specifically said you wanted to lose 20 pounds. This is totally doable, but it will take some effort on your part. I assumed you knew that, but I was wrong.

You have asked me to write you a simple routine that you can follow at the gym to get you to your goal. I find this really amusing. You're an attorney right? Would you write me a simple formula that I can follow everyday because I'm thinking about dabbling in a law practice.

These stretches that I've shown you are not just for "young people". They are recommended by the National Association for Sports Medicine for people with postural deviations. I'm sorry that because you have either been sitting in a chair or a car for most of your adult life you have tight hip flexors, but you need to take 2 minutes out of your day and stretch those bad boys out.

I understand that you feel really comfortable on the stationary bike, but it is wasting your time. Why don't I get you a remote control and some ice tea so you can relax as you peddle? If you want to burn calories you might try doing the elliptical, the stairmaster or the treadmill--any machine that requires you to hold up your own body weight.

You are going to have to get your heart rate up past 90 bpm. You will have to sweat. You are going to have to lift weights and build muscle because muscle will burn fat. No, you will not get bulky. You are going to have to watch what you eat and realize that the crap you put in your mouth is making you fat, not your metabolism or your genes.

I cannot help you if you do not want to learn anything new. I cannot help you if you want to schedule your sessions a few weeks apart. I cannot help you if you are a wimp and afraid to work hard. Sure, you can try it out on your own, but wouldn't you have succeeded already?

In life, the amount of effort you put in matches the results you get. So, whenever you are ready to get to that goal you wrote down, give me a call and I can help you.

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